
The Beginning… Or The Beginning of the End?

Ominous, eh?

This is my beginning. Again.

A new one; a fresh start. I’ve got a thousand and one adventures to go on and they all start right here. I’m starting to write again, I’m trying to get my health on track and find a solid work life balance at a company that has been draining my dry for the last four years.

I suppose I should introduce myself though, huh?

I’m Katie. Strange given the name of this blog, I know. My full name is Beverley Kate but I live my entire life as Katie and since before I can remember. It’s a familial trend that my mother also follows.

I’m twenty eight years old (almost twenty nine!) and six months ago I married my best friend. We live together in New Jersey with our two dogs and our computers. We travel as much as possible and binge watch netflix shows like it’s going out of style.

I’ve spent the last twelve years working for a biomedical supply company in their warehouse. I’ve worked in every department except hazmat (even though I’m certified) and the lift; mostly due to a fear of heights. Five years ago an administrative position was created for me to assist the manger and supervisor at the time. I’ve since been promoted to a supervisor myself and I spend my day managing the entire warehouse inbox for our three locations across the country, releasing batches of orders to said location and keeping our NJ location physically moving forward. There are a lot of emotional ties to this particular company and challenges that have come up in the last few years that I’m working through.

A lot of this blog will focus on my hobbies, the biggest and most beloved of which is reading. I’m a hoarder of books and devourer of words. My main focus is YA and SFF, but I’ll read anything that catches my attention. I’m hoping to incorporate reviews, think pieces and general excitement about authors and news and stories as time moves forward.

The second hobby goes hand in hand with the previous one: writing. I used to write like my life depended on it and I wasn’t the worst writer to ever exist. But life got in the way and my brain got in the way and a passion that I held quite close to my heart fell by the wayside and fear and doubt crept in. I’ve been hesitant to start since. But I’m learning to be brave.

You will also find a smattering of anime, pop culture TV shows, and video games (mostly Final Fantasy XIV and Kingdom Hearts).

And the last purpose of this blog, and maybe the main focus, is my health. Both mental and physical. I struggle with food and body issues which need to be addressed. I’m hoping with writing and the inevitable exploration of my own mind I can work through it and help myself. The mental aspect of my health is the fuzzier, darker part. I don’t know what’s going on up there half the time and I’m working on figuring it out with the help of my doctor and my husband.

That’s it for now, time to brush my teeth and read.

Catch you on the flip side,


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